Title: My Hot Cute Kitten catches a 50 pound Fish
In the Holidays I went for an adventure to an island called Hawaii.
I took a hot cute kitten with me to Hawaii Island. When we were going for a swim
my hot cute kitten went out far to the sea. On the way she saw a 50 pound Fish. Then
my hot cute kitten got hungry. She thought she could catch that 50 pound fish and eat it all
to her self. Then the Hawaii people thought that my hot cute kitten was drowning while
she was trying to catch the 50 pound fish. They came on a boat but they realized that
she was trying to catch the 50 pound fish. They said” That Kitten is stupid she could not be able
to catch that 50 pound fish”. When the kitten actually caught it they thought that the my hot cute
kitten is a champion but my hot cute kitten actually let it go. The people then had a gold medal made for my kitten and gave her lots of food.
After this nice holiday we went back to New Zealand and lived Happily ever after.
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